Mutio hentai redux…

**Warning: Sexual content (cartoon nudity) on this page. Do not proceed if you’re not of legal age or don’t want to be.

As promised, here’s another Mutio pic commissioned by myself (for a change), in celebration of my winnings in the recently concluded 2008 US Presidential elections. Regarding the pic: Love triangles are always entertaining to poke fun at, and who could resist seeing a naked and pissed-off Kino? 😛 Feel free to distribute/post it elsewhere, but please leave the pic intact (especially the artist’s name). And as always, wash your hands after you’re done. 😛

Comiket 75 is less than 6 weeks away, and is already taking pre-orders for the catalog, for those who are interested. Will be posting more about my BS6 hunting plans as the date approaches. 





~ by ticktank on November 13, 2008.

8 Responses to “Mutio hentai redux…”

  1. Whooo! I always love to see more Mutio hentai. Thanks for sharing.

  2. No, seriously if you got a line graph of the number of hits this blog gets daily, there would be a massive peak on the 13th of November.

    Not that I’m complaining. Great pic ticktank. Thank you.

    I’m looking forward to those blue sub updates. 🙂


  4. NP guys just sharing when its a good time to 😛 Comiket updates will be in a while, once the catalog arrives.

    The wordpress spam filter has been screwy lately; sorry if some of your comments aren’t getting through (I need to approve them all now).

  5. I’ve been to that artist website and I’m gonna see about having a comic done.

  6. Hehe nice! Hope it turns out well. Palcomix has been quite busy lately I heard, and its about $40 per comic frame (5 minimum). Best to email and find out the details.

    But yes, do pay for his services if you can; help finance his living expenses 😛

  7. sure thing thanx for the info.

  8. It could be an official poster.

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